
I'm Sally Anne Smith


I’m a Charisma Coach - a Communications Expert, focused in creating confident and interesting communicators who grow their network, personal brand and get greater results..

I’ve been fortunate to be working with global leaders across many sectors watching and learning how these inspirational make charisma happen and work for them. I work with blue chip companies and small businesses to enable them to grow in there leadership and drive change inside their communities.

The world is tired of seeing dominant power crazy leaders who seem to drive results for all the wrong reasons.. what I do is work with people like you through a series of coached skills, filmed coached communications and practices to ensure that each time you connect and communicate your messages you do it with the power of Charisma.

My background is originally in Commercial Aviation where I worked and studied with pilots and cabin crew understanding and creating a culture where they can work together and safer together. I’ve always, like many been influenced throughout my life by charismatic people .. from Madonna to Mary D’Angelou and Ralph Lauren to Max Weber they all have something to say and articulate their message with style, passion and an inner confidence.

Charismatic people have certain qualities that make them stand out from the crowd. They are confident and energetic, they exude power and success, and they're usually very good at communicating with others, they know what, when and how to say it - whether it's just one-on-one, digitally or speaking to a large crowds.

A charismatic communicator is one who inspires others to achieve their goals. This can be done through persuasion, inspiration, enthusiasm and motivation. Let’s also be very clear… this is for the right reasons its not about manipulating people.. we’re not stupid right?! Charismatic speakers know how to be confident communicators, they inspire us to work together in pursuit of a common goal. They also motivate their followers to achieve what they set out to do.



What is charisma and why do we need it to be successful in business today? Charisma is a quality that makes you feel like you're at the centre of attention, even when you're not. It's what makes people want to follow you to the ends of the earth (or at least follow your social media posts). It can be defined as confidence, success, power and energy.

Charisma is a mix of charisma traits like

Strong communication skills

Energy from inside to out

Body language that inspires us

Consciously choosing positive language

Genuinely connecting and interested in others

Being charismatic doesn't just mean being popular or nice to folk —it means being able to effectively communicate with others in order to build trust and rapport. A charismatic person is someone who exudes an aura of power and confidence that naturally draws people toward them.

People who are charismatic are often described as being "naturally charming" or "socially savvy." They are usually genuinely interested in other people, which makes others feel comfortable around them. They also tend to be very attractive physically (or if not physically then at least mentally).

Some people are born with charisma; however there are many things you can do on a daily basis with my direct support to improve your charisma levels and become more charismatic yourself!

When you work with me, I guarantee your business goals will be delivered to ensure optimum learning and sustainable results. You'll be able to make connections quickly, whether it's in a business setting or on a first date. And if your goal is to stand out from the crowd at work, home or social settings? Well then you definitely need some charisma!

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving... Albert Einstein
So qualifications and credibility is important right? So I’m certified in:
✔️ Psychology
✔️ Myers Briggs MBTI
✔️ DiSC
✔️ NLP
✔️ Certified global licences to deliver accredited training for my Partnerships
— https://www.linkedin.com/in/sallyannesmith


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I work with MY clients to

Accelerate business and network growth
Significantly improve confidence and charisma

Create confident and powerful communicators


I specialise in

Communications and Confidence

Accountability Coaching

Charisma Expert

Current and previous clients


I also work in direct partnerships as an Associate for:

Dale Carnegie Training EMEA as a Senior Trainer

NKD Learning Uk as a Master Facilitator

Strategic Leadership as a Global Trainer