Six Week Step Up To SPEAKS

Step Up To Speak

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  • Struggling to boost your confidence when presenting to clients or investors.

  • Lacking credibility and not getting the results you want in your business communication.

  • Feeling like you're not charismatic enough to capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged.


Our program is designed just for you

Personalised coaching:

The program provides live and personal speaker coaching to help entrepreneurs and business owners improve their communication skills. This can help boost confidence, improve presentation techniques, and increase credibility.

Tailored templates

The program offers customized templates that can be used repeatedly for future presentations. This helps to save time and effort while ensuring a consistent and professional approach.

Recorded presentations

Participants will have the opportunity to record and review their presentations with expert coaching. This can help to identify areas for improvement, boost confidence, and enhance their overall communication skills.


Are you tired of blending into the background? Unleash your inner magnetism and start leaving a lasting impression with our proven charisma coaching. Experience the transformation for yourself!


The Programme



First, we’ll connect through Zoom and get to know each other via DiSC or MyHuman Design so I know how you like best to learn. To get the most out of our time together, we’ll also set a realistic SMART Goal for the programme and get other details dialled in, such as Zoom links, WhatsApp Security, and setting expectations.

1) Shift

What is your today mindset and why, check in, go through profiling, understand your challenges and practise new techniques for confidence, for e.g. Mantras, breath work, changing out the words you maybe using today, mnemonics, changing the fear to fun 😊  We will work through ways to connect easily to others, the right types of questions to ask to build confidences with others either online or personally = Coaching Practice together.

(Personal Accountability .. send me your demo) 📲

2) Posture

Next, we can work on your body language.. How are you talking and walking? How do you show up in your charisma with your energy, stance, congruent gestures, body movements, and facial expressions? We’ll have an opportunity to practice live together and film your presentation from a script 🎥

(Personal Accountability .. send me demo of your new techniques) 📲

3) Energy

Once we have your body language down, we’ll work on your Energy, your Vibe, and how you’re using these to your advantage when you speak and connect with others. (link to profile report) We’ll practise different vocal energy – speed, tone, emphasis on key words — and congruent gestures to your tone with facial expressions to match. Like our first two lessons, we’ll  also have an opportunity to practise live together and film your presentation from real presentation!. 🎥

(For Personal Accountability, you’ll send me demo of your new vocal range and gather thoughts for presentation on week 4) 📲

4) Audience

After covering some of the basics, we’ll then consider how we can formulate and work on methods to connect to your audiences.  Working on who your audience means asking yourself, “what do they need and how do I deliver it?”  We’ll practise how to OPEN, CONNECT, QUESTIONS and CLOSING our talks, always enabling you to get the audience on board. Again, we’ll work on a coached and filmed opportunity to practise getting your people on board. 🎥

(For Personal Accountability you’ll also send me a demo of your new vocal range and gather thoughts for presentation on week 5 preparing for our Keynote!) 📲

5) Keynote

Here, depending on your GOAL that we created pre programme, we will start to wrap up by tailoring and structuring your Keynote Speech – for e.g. it could be an elevator pitch, or your sales pitch or even how you can run a successful client meeting together.  We will practise all the techniques you’ve discovered above using key aspects to sell the winning speech on Day 6.  How will you open it? Create value for your audience? How will you make yourself memorable to the audience and what hook will you leave them with? And most importantly, how does all this link and help you move closer to your GOAL? Again, we’ll have an opportunity to practise live together, side by side and film your presentation from your real presentation 🎥

(More Personal Accountability here, too! You’ll send me demo of your practices and ill offer some key feedbacks before our final session) 📲

6) Spotlight

Once we’ve built your foundation, it’ll be time to  step into your power.  Here, we’ll run through everything and let you practice based on your specific needs and feedback throughout our time together..  You’ll have the opportunity to speak your Keynote presentation live, which we will film and record for you to keep a copy (along with my coaching) to further develop your Charisma Confidence and Credibility. You can even invite an audience if you choose to as good practice! (This can be a few friends for feedback or your partner for support or even the dog!).


4 weeks after the programme ends, we will regather together via Zoom to revisit your GOAL… What’s been different, what’s changed and why? What feedback are you getting from others and most of all what are your tangible results?



We continue with your success! If you want to keep doing the work and building your Charisma “muscles”, I offer a variety of coaching packages to help you level up well beyond our 6 weeks together.


All for the amazing price of £1497



What Our Clients Say


I also work in direct partnerships as an Associate for:

Dale Carnegie Training EMEA as a Senior Trainer

NKD Learning Uk as a Master Facilitator

Strategic Leadership as a Global Trainer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Entrepreneurs, business owners and people wanting to boost their Confidence, Credibility and Charisma with a Communications and Engagement Expert.

  • As soon as you sign up, we will diarise 6 weekly suitable dates and times through Zoom links.

  • Live and personal speaker Coaching, Speaking Techniques, Presentation Templates, Coached Recordings and greater authority and visibility in your business.

  • Confidence, Charisma and Credibility, 4/5 chosen filmed presentations, and expert coaching to remind yourself of what you CAN DO, tailored templates to use again and again inside a digital workbook keepsake.

  • I know that you’re busy running a business so that’s why this programme has been designed to accommodate efficiency, productivity, and confidence building in 6 specific weekly steps.